Take advantage of Social Media

Roshintha Perera
2 min readMar 9, 2021


Image — You can use any content in the form of images: eye-catching photos, graphics,screenshots, pictures — everything that may interest your followers.

Video — A more popular format of content than the text because the video presents a raw view of the world. Video combines moving visuals and sounds which makes iteasier to capture someone’s attention.

Text — In most cases, text tends to be the most difficult-to-consume social mediaformat. People are lazy readers. But if your texts will be easy to understand, youraudience will read it through to the end.

Audio — Supported by iTunes and Spotify, the most popular audio format is a podcast.

Interactive Content — Polls, Quizzes, Contests, Calculators, Games, Social Media content with emotional appeal.

Spotlight on an individual — Never underestimate the power of good storytelling. People connect to other people, so when you tell a story about a person who is representative of your brand, you create that connection.

Create associations — Make the reader relate to the post. This forms an emotional connection that can result in greater engagement.

Appeal to a person’s self-interests — let them know what’s in it for them whenthey like, share, or leave a commentd.Let them know how a product or service relates to their identity.

Get To Know Your Brand — Make sure the photos you post are appropriate and social-media friendly. Make sure the photos are showcasing your brand or your corporate culture. Try to post photos that people want to shared. Don’t be afraid to show the softer side of your organization

Infographics — Promote something your brand created, like a blog post or a white paper. Recycle older content — if the ideas are still good, infographics are a fresh wayto present them. Educate your fans and followers in a way that is easily digestible and fun to look at. Make sure you choose something that your audience is interested ine. Choose your colors, fonts and graphics carefully.



Roshintha Perera

Self taught Digital Marketer and entrepreneur with an avid interest in all things business, marketing and tech.