Society of the Snow: Lessons About the Power of Human Resilience

Roshintha Perera
2 min readJan 7, 2024



Watching the movie “Society of the Snow,” based on the 1972 Uruguayan flight crash in the Andes, left me reflecting on the raw realities of human resilience, survival instincts, and the unyielding spirit that emerges in the face of adversity.

Never Giving Up

One thing that hit home was the unrelenting determination of the survivors. They didn’t have any superhero powers or extraordinary skills. They were regular people thrust into an unimaginable situation, grappling with harsh conditions and loss.

Yet, what stood out was their refusal to throw in the towel. It made me think about facing my own challenges with a similar persistence, regardless of how tough things might seem.

Fighting for Survival

The movie didn’t romanticize survival; it showcased the brutal decisions the survivors had to make. When survival is on the line, the line between right and wrong becomes blurry.

It felt uncomfortably real. It made me question how far I’d go to protect myself or my loved ones if push came to shove. The film was a stark reminder that survival sometimes demands tough choices, forcing us to reevaluate our own principles.

Survival of the Fittest:

In the midst of freezing temperatures and scarce resources, the survivors were pushed to their limits. The concept of “survival of the fittest” wasn’t a distant theory but a gritty reality.

It resonated with me on a personal level, making me reflect on the strength we all carry within. When life gets tough, it’s not about being the strongest in a traditional sense but being able to adapt and make tough decisions when needed.


“Society of the Snow” isn’t just a story; it’s a visceral experience that shook me to my core. The lessons I took away were straightforward yet profound. Life can throw unexpected challenges our way, and we might not have all the answers.

But, like the survivors in the Andes, we can face those challenges head-on with a gritty determination to never give up. In the end, it’s about recognizing the resilience within ourselves, understanding that survival might demand uncomfortable choices, and embracing the strength to adapt and endure.



Roshintha Perera

Self taught Digital Marketer and entrepreneur with an avid interest in all things business, marketing and tech.